Tourist Reports Being Robbed In Elevator At Downtown Las Vegas Casino

By Rounder Life News Team

A tourist who says he takes “4-5 trips to Vegas per year and never had a problem” took to Twitter to report being robbed in an elevator at the Four Queens Hotel And Casino in downtown Las Vegas.

The alleged victim, identified as Matt Lawson (@MattLawson123) tweeted on November 19, 2020, “While staying @4QueensLV last week, I was assaulted and robbed in the hotel elevator.”

In the thread he states he was told by the head of security, who he described as ‘arrogant’, that the casino “would be taking no responsibility.”

Lawson further explained it was a female who “followed me from the TITO machine. The whole thing is on security camera.”

When pressed as to how a female was able to pull the robbery off with no weapons, he explained “Well let me try to provide some additional info for you; this was an African American female, I’m a 48 year old white male. How do you think that would have looked in these times if I Beat her ass???”

He also addressed skeptics who inquired if he had been drinking, or perhaps this was just a “misunderstanding” with the woman.

“It was 6:20am. I had not had a single drink. The police offers [officers] confirmed I was followed from the Ticket Redemption machine.”

It’s been widely reported Las Vegas has seen an uptick in violent crime in recent months, and ‘safety’ is crucial in getting tourists back.

Last month Wynn Casino went to great lengths to send a message that lawlessness would not be tolerated on their properties, when it reportedly sued a large group of brawlers at Encore Las Vegas. “Be assured, Wynn will not sit idly by when anyone engages in mayhem…”

Gambling News recently reported another downtown Las Vegas casino, The Plaza Hotel & Casino, “is installing AI devices to try and preemptively foil similar incidents, including but not limited to shootings, assaults, and fights.”

When asked what he thought could be done to prevent similar incidents Lawson responded, “I would have security at the entrance, and security near the elevators. I would also close off one side of the elevators for entry only from the lobby. This has happened before at the 4 Queens, so they know they have an issue.”

“I have one problem, a big problem, and they just want to blow me off…All I really wanted was an apology.”

Four Queens did not respond to a request for comment at the time of this publication.